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  3. Antenna Modeling Program - Composite User's's Manual, MBAssociates Report No. MB-R-74/46, 1974.
  4. Antenna Modeling Program - Engineering Manual, MBAssociates Report No. MB-R-74/62, 1974.
  5. Antenna Modeling Program - Systems Manual, MBAssociates Report No. MB-R-74/62, 1974.
  6. Antenna Modeling Program - Supplementary Computer Program Manual (AMP2), MBAssociates Report No. MB-R-75/11, 1975.
  7. Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC-1) Part III: NEC User's guide, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1977.
  8. Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC-1) Part II: NEC Program Description - Code, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 1977.
  9. Albertsen, N. C., Hansen, J. E., and Jensen, N. E., Computation of Spacecraft Antenna Radiation Patterns, The Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, June 1972.
  10. Poggio, A. J. and Miller, E. K., "Integral Equation Solutions of Three-Dimensional Scattering Problems." Chapt. IV in Computer Techniques for Electromagnetics, edited by R. Mittra, Pergamon Press, New York, 1973.
  11. Poggio, A. J. and Adams, R. W., Approximations for Terms Related to the Kernel in Thin-Wire Integral Equations, UCRL-51985, Lawrence Livermore Libratory, CA. December 19, 1975.
  12. Van Bladel, J., Electromagnetic Fields, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964.
  13. Harrington. R. F., Field Computation by Moment Methods, MacMillan. New York, 1968.
  14. Yeh, Y. S. and Mei, K. K., "Theory of Conical Equiangular Spiral Antennas," Part I - Numerical Techniques, IEEE Trans. Ant. and Prop., AP-15, 1967, p. 634.
  15. Neureuther. A. R. et al., "A Comparison of Numerical Methods for Thin Wire Antennas," Presented at the 1968 Fall URSI Meeting, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley. 1968.
  16. Hiller. E. K. et al., An Evaluation of Computer Programs Using Integral Equations for the Electromagnetic Analysis of Thin Wire Structures, UCRL-75566, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, March 1974.
  17. Wu, T. T. and King, R. W. P., "The Tapered Antenna and Its Application to the Junction Problem for Thin Wires," IEEE Trans. Ant. and Prop., AP-24, No. 1, pp. 42-45, January 1976
  18. Poggio, A. J., Integral Representations for Fields Due to Sources on Open Surfaces with Applications to End Caps, UCRL-51723. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, December 16, 1974..
  19. Ralston, A., A First Course in Numerical Analysis, McGraw-Hill. New York 1965.
  20. Sommerfeld. A., Partial Differential Equations in Physics, Academic Press, New York, 1964.
  21. Burke, G. J., Miller, E. K., and Poggio, A. J., Dielectric Ground Interactions with a Log-Periodic Antenna, Final Report, ECOM-0285-F, U.S. Army Electronics Command, Port Monmouth, N.J., 1971 (contract DAAB07-70-C-O285),
  22. Miller, E. K., Poggio, A. J., Burke, G. J., and Selden, E. S., Analysis of Wire Antennas in the Presence of a Conducting Half Space: Part I. The Vertical Antenna in Free Spare. Part II. The Horizontal Antenna in Free Space, UCRL-73217, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. CA, 1972. (also in Canadian J. Phys.)
  23. Lager, D. L. and Lytle, R. J., Fortran Subroutines for the Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals Unter Anderem, UCRL-51821, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. CA, Hay 21, 1975.
  24. Adams, R. W., Poggio, A. J., and Miller. E. K., Study of a New Antenna Source Model, UCRL-51693, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, October 28, 1974
  25. Brittingham, J. N., Miller, E. K., and Okada, J. T., SOMINT: An Improved model for Studying Conducting Objects Near Lossy Half-Spaces, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, February 24, 1978.
  26. Norton, K. A., "The Propagation of Radio Waves Over the Surface of the Earth and in the Upper Atmosphere." Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 26, No. 9, Sept. 1937.
  27. Lytle, R. J. and Lager, D. L., Numerical Evaluation of Sommerfeld Integrals, UCRL-51688, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, October 23, 1974.
  28. Shanks, D. "Non-Linear Transformations of Divergent and Slowly Convergent Sequences," J. Math. Phys., 24, 1(1955).
  29. Miller, E. K. and Deadrick, F. J., Computer Evaluation of Loran-C Antennas, UCRL-51464, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, Oct. 17, 1973.
  30. Wait, J. R., "Characteristics of Antennas Over Lossy Earth," Antenna Theory, Part II, R. E. Collin and P. J. Zucker, Eds., McGraw-Hill, New York, PP· 386-437, 1969.
  31. King, R. W., The Theory of Linear Antennas, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1956.
  32. Otto, D. V., "The Admittance of Cylindrical Antennas Driven from a Coaxial Line," Radio Sci., Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 1031-1042, 1967.
  33. Andreasen, M. G· and Harris, F. C., Analyses of Wire Antennas of Arbitrary Configuration by Precise Theoretical Numerical Techniques, Tech. Rept. ECOH 0631-F, Granger Associates, Palo Alto, California, Contract DAAB07- 67-C-063l, 1968.
  34. Logan, J. C. and Rockway, J. W., Computer Techniques for Shipboard Topside Antenna Modeling Below UHF, TN-3294. Naval Electronics Laboratory Center, November 17, 1976.
  35. Rubin, D., The Linville Method of High Frequency Transistor Amplifier Design, Naval Weapons Center, Research Department, NWCCL TP 845, Corona Laboratories, Corona, California, March 1969.
  36. Burke, G. J. and Poggio, A. J., Computer Analysis of the Twin-Whip, UCRL-52080. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, June 1, 1976.
  37. Burke, C. J. and Poggio, A. J., Computer Analysis of the Bottom-Fed FM Antenna, UCRL-52109 Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, August 19, 1976.
  38. Deadrick, J., Burke, C. J., and Poggio, A. J., Computer Analysis the Trussed-Whip and Discone-Cage Antennas, UCRL-52201, January 6, 1977
