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Purpose: To control the printing of currents on wire segments. Current printing can be suppressed, limited to a few segments, or special formats for receiving patterns can be requested.


    /2|  5|   10|   15|   20|    30|    40|    50|    60|    70|    80|
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  |EX |I1 | I2  | I3  | I4  |  F1  |  F2  |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |  F6  |
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  |   |   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |
  |  The numbers along the top refer to the last column in each field |
  |   |   |     |     |     |      |      |      |      |      |      |

IPTFLG (I1) - Print control flag, specifies the type of format used in printing segment currents. The options are:

-2 - all currents printed. This it a default value for the program if the card is Omitted.

-1 - suppress printing of all wire segment currents.

O - current printing will be limited to the segments specified by the next three parameters.

1 - currents are printed by using a format designed for a receiving pattern (refer to output section in this manual Only currents for the segments specified by the next three parameters are printed.

2 - same as for 1 above; in addition, however, the current for one Segment will Cue normalized to its maximum, ant the normalized values along with the relative strength in tB will be printed in a table. If the currents for more than one segment are being printed, only currents from the last segment in the group appear in the normalized table.

3 - only normalized currents from one segment are printed for the receiving pattern case.

IPTAG (I2) - Tag number of the segments for which currents will be printed.

IPTAGF (I3) - Equal to m, specifies the mth segment of the set of segments having the tag numbers of IPTAG, at which printing of currents starts. If IPTAG is zero or blank, then IPTAGF refers to an absolute segment number. If IPTAGF is blank, the current is printed for all segments.

IPTAGT (I4) - Equal to n specifies the nth segment of the set of segments having tag numbers of IPTAG. Currents are printed for segments having tag number IPTAG starting at the m th segment in the set and ending at the nth segment. If IPTAG is zero or blank, then IPTAGF and IPTAGT refer to absoulte segment numbers. In IPTAGT is left blank, it is set to IPTAGF.

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