1. Numerical electromagnetics code (NEC-1), Part I: NEC Program Description - Theory, to be publicsed, Lawerence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, CA. 1977 (content same as NOSC TD 116, Part I)
  2. Numerical electromagnetics code (NEC-1), Part Part II: NEC Program Description - Code, to be publicsed, Lawerence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, CA. 1977 (content same as NOSC TD 116, Part II)
  3. Poggio, A.J. and Adam, Rl W., Approximations for Terms Related to the Kernel in Thin-Wire Integral Equations, Lawerence Livermore Laboratory, Livermore, CA. Rept. UCRL-51985, December 19, 1977
  4. Albertsen, N. C., Hansen, J.E., and Jensen, N. E.,computation of Space-Lyngby, denmark, June 1972.
  5. Sengupta, D. L., electromagnetic and Acoustic Scattering by Simple Shapes, chapter 10, J. J. Bowman, T. B. Asenior and P. L. e. Uslenghi, Editors, North-Holland Publishing company, Amsterdam, 1969.