Surface Patch (SP)
Purpose: To input parameters of a single surface patch.
Cols Parameter
1- 2 SP
3- 5 I1 - blank
6-10 I2 - NS
11-20 F1 - X1
21-30 F2 - Y1
31-40 F3 - Z1
41-50 F4 - X2
51-60 F5 - Y2
61-70 F6 - Z2
71-80 blank
If NS is 1, 2, or 3, a second card is read in the following
Cols Parameter
1- 2 SC
3- 5 I1 - blank
6-10 I2 - (see Notes)
11-20 F1 - X3
21-30 F2 - Y3
31-40 F3 - Z3
41-50 F4 - X4
51-60 F5 - Y4
61-70 F6 - Z4
71-80 blank
(I1) - not used
NS (I2) - Selects patch shape
0: (default) arbitrary patch shape
1: rectangular patch
2: triangular patch
3: quadrilateral patch
Decimal Numbers
Arbitrary shape (NS = 0)
X1 (F1) - X coordinate of patch center
Y1 (F2) - Y coordinate of patch center
Z1 (F3) - Z coordinate of patch center
X2 (F4) - elevation angle above the X-Y plane of
outward normal vector (degrees)
Y2 (F5) - azimuth angle from X-axis of outward
normal vector (degrees)
Z2 (F6) - patch area (square of units used)
Rectangular, triangular, or quadrilateral patch (NS = 1, 2, or 3)
X1 (F1) X coordinate of corner 1
Y1 (F2) Y coordinate of corner 1
X1 (F3) Z coordinate of corner 1
X2 (F4) X coordinate of corner 2
Y2 (F5) Y coordinate of corner 2
Z2 (F6) Z coordinate of corner 2
X3 (Fl) X coordinate of corner 3
Y3 (F2) Y coordinate of corner 3
Z3 (F3) Z coordinate of corner 3
For the quadrilateral patch only (NS = 3)
X4 (F4) X coordinate of corner 4
Y4 (F5) Y coordinate of corner 4
Z4 (F6) Z coordinate of corner 4
- The four patch options are shown in figure 5a
d. For the rectangular,
triangular, and quadrilateral patches the outward normal vector n
is specified by the ordering of corners 1, 2, and 3 and the
right-hand rule.
- For a rectangular, triangular, or quadrilateral patch, t1 is
parallel to the side from corner 1 to corner 2. For NS = 0, t1 is
chosen as described in section II-2.
- If the sides from corner 1 to corner 2 and from corner 2 to corner 3
of the rectangular patch are not perpendicular, the result will be a
- If the four corners of the quadrilateral patch do not lie in the
same plane, the run will terminate with an error message.
- Since the program does not integrate over patches, except at a wire
connection, the patch shape does not affect the results. The only
parameters affecting the results are the location of the patch
centroid, the patch area, and the outward unit normal vector. For
the arbitrary patch shape these are input, while for the other
options they are determined from the specified shape. For solution
accuracy, however, the distribution of patch centers obtained with
generally square patches has been found to be desirable (see section
- For the rectangular or quadrilateral options, multiple SC cards may
follow a SP card to specify a string of patches. The parameters on
the second or subsequent SC card specify corner 3 for a rectangle or
corners 3 and 4 for a quadrilateral, while corners 3 and 4 of the
previous patch become corners 2 and 1, respectively, of the new
patch. The integer I2 on the second or subsequent SC card specifies
the new patch shape and must be 1 for rectangular shape or 3 for
quadrilateral shape. On the first SC card after SP, I2 has no effect.
Rectangular or quadrilateral patches may be intermixed, but
triangular or arbitrary shapes are not allowed in a string of linked
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