Surface Patch (SP)

Purpose:  To input parameters of a single surface patch.


         Cols        Parameter
         1- 2        SP
         3- 5        I1 - blank
         6-10        I2 - NS
        11-20        F1 - X1
        21-30        F2 - Y1
        31-40        F3 - Z1
        41-50        F4 - X2
        51-60        F5 - Y2
        61-70        F6 - Z2
        71-80        blank

       If NS is 1, 2, or 3, a second card is read in the following

         Cols        Parameter
         1- 2        SC
         3- 5        I1 - blank
         6-10        I2 - (see Notes)
        11-20        F1 - X3
        21-30        F2 - Y3
        31-40        F3 - Z3
        41-50        F4 - X4
        51-60        F5 - Y4
        61-70        F6 - Z4
        71-80        blank

              (I1) -  not used
          NS  (I2) -  Selects patch shape
                         0: (default) arbitrary patch shape
                         1: rectangular patch
                         2: triangular patch
                         3: quadrilateral patch

    Decimal Numbers

    Arbitrary shape (NS = 0)

         X1  (F1) - X coordinate of patch center

         Y1  (F2) - Y coordinate of patch center

         Z1  (F3) - Z coordinate of patch center

         X2  (F4) - elevation angle above the X-Y plane of
                    outward normal vector (degrees)

         Y2  (F5) - azimuth angle from X-axis of outward
                    normal vector (degrees)

         Z2  (F6) - patch area (square of units used)

    Rectangular, triangular, or quadrilateral patch (NS = 1, 2, or 3)

         X1  (F1)    X coordinate of corner 1

         Y1  (F2)    Y coordinate of corner 1

         X1  (F3)    Z coordinate of corner 1

         X2  (F4)    X coordinate of corner 2

         Y2  (F5)    Y coordinate of corner 2

         Z2  (F6)    Z coordinate of corner 2

         X3  (Fl)    X coordinate of corner 3

         Y3  (F2)    Y coordinate of corner 3

         Z3  (F3)    Z coordinate of corner 3

    For the quadrilateral patch only (NS = 3)

         X4  (F4)    X coordinate of corner 4

         Y4  (F5)    Y coordinate of corner 4

         Z4  (F6)    Z coordinate of corner 4

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