Execute (XQ)

Purpose:   To cause program execution at points in the data stream where
           execution is not automatic.  Options on the card also allow for
           automatic generation of radiation patterns in either of two vertical


           Cols  Parameter
           1- 2     XQ
           3- 5     I1
           6-80     Blank

      (I1)  Options controlled by (I1) are:
            0 - no patterns requested (normal case).
            1 - generates a pattern cut in the XZ plane, i.e., phi = 0 degrees
                and theta varies from 0 degrees to 90 degrees in 1 degree steps.
            2 - generates a pattern cut in the YZ plane, i.e., phi = 90 degrees
                theta varies from 0 degrees to 90 degrees in 1 degree steps.
            3 - generates both of the cuts described for the values
                1 and 2.
      The remainder of the card is blank.

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