Example 5

Example 5 is a practical log-periodic antenna with 12 elements. Input data for the transmission line sections is printed in the table "Network Data." The table "Structure Excitation Data at Network connection Points" contains the voltage, current impedance, admittance, and power in each segment to which transmission lines or network connect. This segment current will differ from the current into the connection transmission line if there are other transmission lines, network ports, or a boltage source providing alternate current paths. Thus, the current printed here for segment 3 differs from that in the table antenna" Input Parameters." The latter is the current through the voltage source and includes the current into the segment and into the transmission line. Power listed in the network-connection table is the power being fed into the segment. A negative power indicates that the structure is feeding power into the network or transmission line.

With 78 segments, file storage must be used for the interaction matrix. The line agter data carde number 14 shows how the matrix has been divided into blocks for transfer between core and the files. The line "CP TIME TAKEN FOR FACTORIZATION," gives the amout of central processor time used to factor the matix excluding time spent transferring data between core and the files.

The EX card option has been used to print the relative asymmetry of the driving-point admittance matrix. The driving-point admittance matrix is the matrix of self and mutual admittances of segments connected to transmission lines, network ports, or boltage sources and should be symmetric.

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